William T. Adler, PhD

I am the Senior Associate Director of the Elections Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center. Some of the pieces I've written include:

Previously, I led the Elections & Democracy project at the Center for Democracy & Technology, working to ensure that American elections are fair, accessible, and secure. Some of my pieces there included:

I was an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center, where I taught two semesters of Computer Programming for Lawyers.

In 2019–2020, I was a AAAS Congressional Science & Engineering Fellow in the Office of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren. While I was there, I drafted legislation and conducted oversight investigations of the federal government and private sector, especially on tech issues.

Before that, I worked to advance the cause of redistricting reform at the Princeton Gerrymandering Project. I wrote a few pieces, including:

I also founded the Scientist Action and Advocacy Network (ScAAN), which partners scientists with organizations that are creating positive social change, usually in the production of brief reports. ScAAN has worked on policy issues such as juvenile justice reform, environmental justice in New York City, vaccines, and plastic bag fees. I wrote a piece about how other scientists can start similar groups at their institutions:

Some ScAAN reports include:

I did my PhD in neuroscience at NYU with Wei Ji Ma. For my dissertation [pdf], I tested various computational models of human confidence, resulting in these three papers: